How we can work together in March 2021 🌱

Happy March! Spring is just around the corner, flowers are starting to bloom (along with spring allergies 🀧), hope seems to be in the air, and all-around feels like there's new opportunities on the horizon.

As we enter this new season, I'm excited to be a resource for women business owners and brands as they spruce up their brand identity, revisit how they set their business goals and intentions, and as they launch new passion-fueled ventures.

Here's some of the ways we can work together this month & beyond:

March New Moon Visioning Circle

VIP Branding Intensives

  • VIP Branding Intensives are for passionate business owners who have a good idea of their audience and values -- but find themselves reinventing the wheel every time they need to put together an Instagram post or write new website copy. You're looking for a way to creative a cohesive brand that really represents both you and your audience.

    • We work together in a 1-2 day intensive setting to solidify your professional brand. This is an affordable, quick alternative to traditional branding that's a great fit for someone who understands their brand, but needs some professional help to bring it across the finish line.

  • There's two spots available for March! Learn more and get in touch to reserve your intensive.

Implement Brand Strategy Course

  • Implement Brand Strategy re-opens for enrollment on March 15!

  • This course is for creative service providers (designers, copywriters, marketers, and beyond!) who are looking to raise their rates and give their clients the dream creative they're looking for.

  • ​Click here to learn more and be added to the interest list.

Building Your Biz Free Community

  • Building Your Biz is an online Slack community for values-driven, women business owners that are seeking community, feedback, and support as they grow their brand.

    • This is a community for creatives, consultants, freelancers, and anyone who is seeking growth and support in the next level of their brand. We do biweekly coworking dates to get to know one another, and, it’s totally free!

  • ​Head over here to fill out the quick application and join us!

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