Business Forecast for the Full Moon in Libra {March 2021}

Sunday, March 28, 2021 marks the full moon in Libra.

The full moon is the most energetic time in the monthly moon cycle. Many individuals often experience more heightened energy, creativity, and/or ideas in the days around the full moon.⁣ This is a time to revisit any intentions or goals you've set - are you looking to double down and continue to commit to it, or are you looking to reevaluate?

When combined with the current moon sign in Libra, the full moon combines energy with harmony. Libra is an air sign rooted in diplomacy, teamwork, and refinement, and can sometimes bring indecision into the fold because of its obsession with harmony.

This is a time to create intentions around bringing balance to your business — whether that’s your work/life balance; balance among clients or customers; or balance among different areas of your business. It could also be a time to examine collaborations and teams within your business, and how they could be more diplomatic or balanced.

Libra energy is all about finding peace, working well with those around you, and refining workflows so they are pleasing to you and how you work.

In the coming days, take some time to reflect on the energy and season we are in, and scroll down for a few journaling prompts to bring the energy of Libra into your intentions during this full moon phase.

Journal prompts:

In what areas can I recalibrate and find balance? Libra’s symbol is the scales — always striving for perfect balance. What parts of your life and balance need evening out, and how can you take action in those areas?

How can I bring more harmony into my relationships? Libra wants to get along with others — both other humans and other areas of your life. What isn’t feeling very harmonious right now, and what can you shift?

Where can I be diplomatic? Is there anything you’ve been avoiding taking action on? Libra can bring indecisive energy because they want everyone to get along, but that also means seeing every side of the story. How can you embody this energy to get things done?

If you love the idea of planning with the moon, registration is also open for my New Moon Visioning Circles, a monthly gathering to reflect on the month past and plot intentional business goals for the month ahead in community.