How To Tap Into Your Intuition As a Business Owner

Do you ever find yourself overthinking about how you should run your business? That’s totally normal. But there’s something you can do to stop the overwhelm: tap into your intuition.

If you’re not familiar with intuition, it’s basically a gut feeling. You may feel it when it seems like something is off, but intuition is also a barometer that can tell you if something feels aligned and right. 

The words business and intuition may feel like they don’t mix. Intuition can serve you well as a business owner making so many decisions every day. If we ignore the connection between how we feel and how we work, it can lead to potential problems.

After all, it’s so easy to hear others’ opinions and see what fellow business owners are doing and feel that we need to do something the exact same way. 

When we listen to our intuition, we’re tapping into our mind and body so we know what feels right when it comes to our values and vision. Are you ready to tap into yours? These tips will help you make decisions quicker, feel confident, and stop overthinking when you’ve got the answer within yourself.

1. Accept where you are.

Trying to make like 1,000 decisions and don’t know where to go? Your mind may be feeling cluttered and you’re frustrated because these choices aren’t coming as easily as you’d like.

First of all, don’t blame yourself! It’s so easy to go there.

Whether you’re planning content, talking to a prospective client who you’re not sure is a fit, or stuck in the middle of a project trying to find out where to go, intuition can help you get back to focus and find out what to choose. So take a deep breath and accept where you are as you follow these next steps.

2. Create space. 

When I create space, I make sure I’m in my office or somewhere where I won’t be disturbed. If you have kids or you’re out in the world, you can always take a pause even in the chaos by putting on your headphones or walking into a different space where you can feel a little peace and clear your mind.

3. Clear your mind. 

To clear your mind, try tapping into your breath, just focusing on the inhale and exhale. Let the mental clutter fall away as you open up your mind. Let go of where you are in your day and get intentional that you’re going to spend some time rooting out your intuition.

4. Understand your objective.

You may have so many thoughts that you’d love to have clarity on, but it usually helps to go into any intuitive process with a clear objective. Whether you brain dump in a journal to get clear on priorities or just narrow down to a specific thing you want to figure out, use this time to get clear. Think about what you want to get out of this time you’re spending with yourself.

5. Trust yourself. 

Next, embrace the idea of trusting yourself and your experience. You know what works well for you. And, if you don’t, now is a good time to do a values exercise to get super clear on what’s important for you. Now is the time to open up to your innate wisdom so you can know how to take a next step.

Start this phase by thinking about the decision, really focusing on it. Where do you feel it in the body? Do you feel a sense of dread or joy? Going into the pros and cons and feeling out the emotions behind them can provide clarity and centering.

If you like making lists, go for it. But this can also be a time to really sit with what your brain and heart is saying to you.

At the end of the day, you know within yourself whether something is the right decision for you or not. All you have to do is let your intuition lead the way.